'Modern Family' Season 6 Episode 4 Review: Marco Polo

'Modern Family' Season 6 Episode 4 Review: Marco Polo
The unique part about "Modern Family" Season 6 is that there are a lot of various situations that are going on and this is one of the reasons why any family is bound to perfectly relate to their episodes.
On "Modern Family" Season 6 Episode 4, as The Hollywood Gossip noted, things got lampoons when Dunphys were forced to stay in a motel in one room since their house was cleared of mold. With the family is displaced for a few nights, Phil decided to book his family into one room hoping that it would lead to exciting and pleasant bonding experience unfortunately, it led to chaos. Since there is sensitive dog staying in the next door, Luke was forced to sleep in the bathtub.
On the other hand, Haley was destitute of Instagram. Then Luke accidentally set off a whole bottle of body spray that he got from a divorced dad in the motel. How could his kids not know that he is doing everything for his family? After that, everyone got overwhelmed when Claire tried to book herself into a new room in the motel however Phil caught her. Everyone completely realized the error that their ways and Phil come up with a big game called Marco Polo, as mentioned in TV Fanatic.
While the Dunphys are worried about the mold situation in their house, everyone else was focused on the final football game at their school. This is the time that Mitchell realized that he could be more supportive and at the same time showed up to the game. Cam also realized that Mitchell might just be the jinx to his winning streak. In connection with this, fans of "Modern Family" Season 6 Episode 4 should not miss to watch is the first heartbreak of Manny.
Sam with a Mustang was dating Manny just to make her ex-boyfriend jealous. Fans should also watch the great bonding moment of Manny and Jay. One of the best things about this episode is when Lilly tell Mitchell that she was being bullied in school however it got completely glossed over. "Modern Family" Season 6 Episode 4 is considered as the most genuine extended family show that paved for their success.
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