
FREE SONG: The Citizens' "Joy to Be"


You can now download the MP3, chord and sheet music of the Citizens' brand new song "Joy to Be" for FREE now at WeAreWorshipSimply click here.

It's pretty hard to find joy in the middle of hard times isn't it? What does it look like to be a joyful person, rather than just finding moments of joy throughout our days? This week's Free Song from Citizens talks about just that, and the joy we can have from the Lord: just being in the presence of God, just knowing Him, just seeing His goodness. Zach Bolen, of Citizens, describes this so well here: 
'We 'do' more than 'be.' We've become so dependent upon results (likes, profits, comments, views) to bring us affirmation that we've sort of hit the mute button on God. 'Be still and know I am God - I am all you need,' is what the Lord says.'



Tags : the citizens the citizens joy to be the citizens free song free song Integrity Music

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