
Steam Latest News and Update: Steam Users - Possibility of Streaming of Music, Movies, and TV Shows in Steam

(Photo : Steam)

Steam Latest News and Update: Steam Users - Possibility of Streaming of Music, Movies, and TV Shows in Steam

In a news article that BGR has published, it was rumored that Steam has long been planning to transition from a regular gaming network into a fully-functional multimedia service. According to the entry, Valve apparently is already taking the necessary steps to have these plans become a reality.

According to the article, it was Steam Database (with the Twitter account @SteamDB) that first noticed the presence of several new application types in the latest beta update of Steam. These new program types include TV series, plugins, music, videos, and films.

An article that was released by the website also confirmed this news. According to the website, Steam Database has tweeted this statement, following the most recent update of the application:

"Valve added some new app types in a recent Steam Beta update: film, TV series, video, plugin and music. #hype"

Another well-known website,, has also written an article discussing the latest developments in Steam. It confirmed that the latest update to the software beta of Valve's Steam has made music, films, and TV series a part of the service being offered by the network.

If this is the first time that you have heard of Steam, you should know that it has undergone plenty of innovations and developments over the years, ever since it was launched back in the year 2003. In September of 2012, "Big Picture" was launched by the Steam development team and a year later, it began to offer software and programs such as 3D Mark.

The latest update that was rolled out makes it seem that Valve is really putting in a lot of effort to improve Steam platform.

Tags : steam news steam latest news steam streaming music steam rumors steam update steam tv shows valve valve news valve latest news Steam download Steam market Steam skins Steam sales Steam support Steam machine Steam community steam news Steam updates

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