
Travel ban on Ebola virus stricken countries? Not so fast, says the World Health Organization

Travel ban on Ebola virus

Travel ban on Ebola virus stricken countries? Not so fast, says the World Health Organization

In site the fact that the Ebola virus has killed approximately 2,793 people in five African countries, health advisers are not recommending a travel or trade ban on Ebola-stricken countries, according to the World Health Organization (WHO).  

Flight cancellations have made it difficult for aid workers to reach victims of this growing epidemic.Experts recommend that officials of Guinea, Liberia, Nigeria, Senegal and Sierra Leone closely coordinate to resolve transport issues to ensure that essential services are still delivered to affected communities.

The hemorrhagic fever remains a "public health emergency of international concern". Quarantines may still be needed to prevent disease transmission.

WHO advisers have also urged the screening of travelers leaving Ebola-affected countries. Medical Sans Frontieres has said that the virus outbreak, which was discovered in Gueckedou, southeastern Ghana, was unlike anything they have seen before.

Sierra Leone recently conducted a three-day lockdown to prevent further Ebola outbreak. The move has led to the identification of new virus strains as well as victims. Nigeria and Senegal are likewise conducting disease management efforts.

Ebola symptoms such as fever, sore throat, muscle pain, headaches, vomiting, and diarrhea appear within three weeks after getting infected by the virus. Liver and kidneys begin to malfunction and victims experience internal and external bleeding. Victims get the virus upon contact with Ebola-infected blood or bodily fluids.



Tags : Ebola virus Ebola virus disease Ebola virus symptoms Ebola virus history travel ban ebola virus travel ban ebola virus south africa world health organization world health organization website world health organization definition of health Ebola symptoms Ebola symptoms timeline Ebola symptoms list Ebola symptoms pictures Ebola symptoms nhs Ebola-infected blood Travel ban Travel ban to africa

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