
Array Of Hope Announces the Release of "Hope Can Last Forever"

Array of Hope

Musical group Array of Hope is thrilled to announce the release of their new song, "Hope Can Last Forever," which is available now. A music video for the song also just released and can be viewed here and below, along with a behind the scenes video.

The upbeat "Hope Can Last Forever" powerfully sings about placing our trust in Christ's promises and not on our own strength. This timely release from Array of Hope expresses the hope in God's promises to all of us during difficult times, and it is in these times we are searching for meaning and purpose. 

Mario Costabile, Array Of Hope's Executive Director, shares about the story behind the single, "It seems that our world has lost its ability to believe in the power of God, that our expectations of hope diminish if our circumstances become dismal. In our lives, there are many ups and downs. God can transform anything, person, or situation. His love for us is relentless, thus never giving up on us. When we are at our lowest point, He will offer the hope we need if we allow it to penetrate our heart and soul." 

"Hope Can Last Forever" was written by Mario Costabile and produced by Costabile along with Jack Garno.


Based in Old Tappan, New Jersey, Array of Hope is the primary source for creating and producing transformative events, films, and music for churches and faith-based organizations. Seeking to address the decline of God in today's culture, they are empowered to capture the hearts of families and awaken an inner desire to seek a relationship with Jesus Christ.

On their website's mission page, they share about Jesus speaking in simple parables using concepts and examples from the experience of His audience and their culture to share the Good News of the Kingdom of God. Jesus spoke to people in this compelling, loving, and logical manner so they could know and embrace the truth and transformative power of God's love. Guided by this example, Array of Hope believes in sharing the truths of their faith through contemporary media in a way that is relevant and engaging in order to help people "encounter God personally and to live with Him and for Him." They accomplish this goal through many ministries, such as concerts, retreats, their social media outreach, as well as through entertainment via films and music. 

For more information, please visit their website at 

Tags : Array Of Hope "Hope Can Last Forever" Array Of Hope Array Of Hope news Array Of Hope christian group

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