
Albert Keever Reminds Us of "The Love of Christ (Acoustic)"

Albert Keever

Singer and songwriter Albert Keever releases his brand new song "The Love of Christ (Acoustic)." The song reminds us that in a world of changes, Christ's love never changes. Listen to the song HERE.

Albert writes, "Many things in life don't turn out the way we had hoped, and we are left wanting. Occasionally, things in life do happen just as we'd imagined or better, but their ability to satisfy us is temporary and short-lived, and again we are left feeling disappointed.

C.S. Lewis wrote: `If I find in myself a desire which no experience in this world can satisfy, the most probable explanation is that I was made for another world.' Jesus told us that in fact His kingdom was not of this world. His kingdom, the Kingdom of Heaven, is one that never passes away. This world and all of its ambitions will vanish like smoke.

"Therefore, the love of Jesus is the most precious thing we can know or possess, here and into eternity. `Three things will last forever-faith, hope, and love-and the greatest of these is love.' -1 Corinthians 13:13." 

Albert has been writing and producing music for over 20 years. Growing up in the Seattle area, he received his first guitar on his 12th birthday and began writing songs at age 14. It was around this same time he got involved with a high school youth ministry and became a Christian. Since those days in the late 1990's the Lord has led Albert and his music through many journeys high and low. In 2004, while living in Santa Barbara, he released his first album with 10 original songs. He later studied production and songwriting at Berklee College of Music in Boston from 2006-2010, and in 2017 he released his second album: "The Cannonball Flight".

Currently he lives on Long Island where he continues to write and share his music. He has led worship and performed at churches, colleges, and other venues across the country.

His songs are reflections from personal experience, intended to showcase God's involvement in his life, often in contrast to his own shortcomings. He hopes his music will inspire both believers and non-believers to persevere in the pursuit of truth. 

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