
Day Z Release Date, Gameplay, Multi-Platform News And Latest Updates: Fans Can Now Breathe Easy As The Game’s Creator Dean Hall Confirms That Day Z Is Definitely Going To Be A Multiplatform Title


Day Z Release Date, Gameplay, Multi-Platform News And Latest Updates: Fans Can Now Breathe Easy As The Game's Creator Dean Hall Confirms That Day Z Is Definitely Going To Be A Multiplatform Title

We have the latest for you on the release date, gameplay, multi-platform news and latest updates of Day Z. It had been rumored the upcoming Day Z video game would only feature as a PS4 game exclusive which had caused a great uproar among gamers. Many wondered what about PS3, Xbox One and PC gamer? Wouldn't they get a chance in joining the thrill of the game? But the rumors are just that, rumors because the Game's creator Dean Hall in a recent interview told Eurogamer that the game would be 'multiplatform'.

"Day Z is definitely going to be a multiplatform title, that's the firm vision from Bohemia's standpoint. But we'll announce what all the other platforms are as we get to that point," Hall said. This news came as a relief to many gamers who were losing hopes on ever getting a chance to test out the game for themselves.

Dean Hall also explained that the game company was looking for ways to develop and a possible release for the game on PlayStation 4 which would be released alongside steam-style 'Early Access system'. "There's a lot of problems with Early Access on PC that definitely are the forefront of people's minds, so when Day Z will release would depend very much on what Sony offers in terms of - if it was going to do an Early Access program- what it looks like. Then also the state of Day Z- does it make sense to do it through that?"

Gamers hoping for a final retail version of Day Z may wait a bit longer than expected because according to Dean, it is clear that the company is hell bent  on completion of a final standalone PC version of the game before they can focus their resources anywhere else. "[A release next year] would depend very much on what do the consoles offer in terms of release strategies. A straight up retail release? It's not going to be next year, because there's just too much work remaining. It would be a bizarre universe where there would be a 1.0 release of Day Z on console before PC," Dean said.

The standalone Version of Day Z game was released on December 16th last year and made over 2 million units in sales.


Tags : Day Z Day Z news Day Z updates Day Z on consoles Day Z on PC Day Z latest news Day Z latest updates Day Z details Day Z information Day Z recent news Day Z recent updates Day Z reports Day Z rumors latest news on Day Z Day Z video game Day Z release dates Day Z on steam Day Z on PS4 Day Z on Xbox one Day Z multi-platformed Day Z Release Date Day Z Gameplay Day Z Multi-Platform Day Z news Day Z latest updates

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