
Tim Bates of the Bates Family to Undergo Heart Bypass Surgery

Tim Bates

Tim Bates of The Bates Family, has been scheduled for Triple Bypass surgery on June 30th. Bates suffers from a 90% blockage in his left artery (The Widow Maker) and a 60% blockage in his right artery. The surgery is set at the Harrisburg Hospital in Harrisonburg, PA.

The abnormalities in his rate were discovered while Tim was getting his EKG screening 3 weeks ago. Tim underwent a heart catheterization procedure, where the blockages were discovered. According to Tim's cardiologist, the blockages have been present for roughly three years unbeknownst to Tim. Had he not come in after experiencing chest pains (cutting grass and playing basketball with his daughter) the outcome could've been a lot different. The heart medications that they have put Tim on have effectively performed well and, as of today, no symptoms are present.

Tim's recovery process will take him out of work for three months with his secular job and roughly six months touring with The Bates Family due to the fact they will need to collapse Tim's left lung to get to the heart. Please pray for Tim and his family as they embark on a very long road to recovery.

Les Butler, owner of BMG/FMG/REAL states, "There's never a good time for this type of thing to happen, but this comes at a very inopportune time. We tracked the new Bates Family album one week prior to the diagnosis. That said, God's timing is perfect. Everything we had planned for the Bates Family and this new recording is still a go. Tim and I are in agreement that this will be a situation he will get through and will have a very powerful testimony on the other side of this health issue. We look forward to that day. Meanwhile, we pray for our friend Tim Bates and the Bates Family!" 

Fans are encouraged to write and pray for Tim. He can be reached at 106 Cedar Dr. Dover, PA 17315.  

Tags : Tim Bates The Bates Family Tim Bates heart surgery Tim Bates health

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